Welcome to Holy Cross Cemetery
Holy Cross Cemetery is pleased to announce the opening of the new Columbaria Garden in November 2022. The garden is shaded by an evergreen tree canopy, accessed by a beautiful paved walkway leading up from Priest Circle, and features three columbaria constructed of solid granite. Each niche can hold two urns and can be adorned with a bronze memorial which includes space for two names, dates, and a personalized line of text. The garden provides a peaceful place for a memorial service and to visit loved ones.
For details on purchasing a niche or a traditional burial plot at Holy Cross Cemetery, please call 227-203-7251.
Burying the dead is one of the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy. The other works include feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and visiting the imprisoned. These Works of Mercy remind us of the need to give dignity to the body in life and in death. The body is the Temple of the Spirit since each of us are made in the likeness of God. The body in life and death, therefore, should be respected fully.
Since 1890, the 47-acre Holy Cross Cemetery has been serving the parish and local communities. For information on traditional burials, cremation or lot sales, please call 227-203-7251.
The Holy Innocents Ministry provides services and support for children lost to miscarriage. Holy Cross Cemetery is proud to be a part of this important ministry, and offers a special location in the cemetery for the burial of these children. For details, call 410-547-3142 or visit holyinnocents@archbalt.org.
Fresh flowers are always welcome at Holy Cross Cemetery.
Artificial flowers are only permitted in permanent vases between November 1 and April 1 due to the mowing season.
Flowers and/or flags placed for Easter, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will be removed two weeks after the holiday. No other decorations, memorials, or statues are allowed.
Balloons are strictly prohibited. Holy Cross Cemetery is not responsible for missing flowers or decorations due to wind or theft.