Mass Schedule
Click here for church locations
Holy Cross – 4:00 pm Vigil (van ride available)
Holy Cross – 9:00 am (van ride available)
Our Lady of Good Counsel - 11:00 am (& live streamed on Facebook)
Holy Cross – 5:00 pm
Click here for our Reconciliation schedule.
Please call the office at 410-752-8498 by Wednesday at 3pm to schedule a van ride for that weekend’s Mass (see Masses where offered above).
Good Counsel – 8:00 am
Good Counsel - 7:00 pm
Holy Cross – 8:00 am
Holy Cross – 8:00 am
Adoration is held monthly in conjunction with the Tuesday evening Mass at Good Counsel every second Tuesday of the month from 7:30-8:30pm. Check the bulletin or join the Adoration email list for more details.
Adoration is a space for all people, regardless of experience or church affiliation,
to find peace and a connection with our loving God.
Inclement Weather Policy:
If Baltimore City Public Schools are closed, the parish office will be closed and daily morning Mass will not occur.
If Baltimore City Schools are open late, the parish office will also open late. Daily Mass will still happen, but please exercise caution and use your judgement when arriving. Our team of volunteers who clear our sidewalks and parking lots work quickly to ensure the areas are cleared, but as we have a large campus and an all-volunteer team, the area may not be cleared by the time daily Mass begins. (Shameless plug: sign up here to be alerted when we could use help shoveling!)
If you are planning to attend an event, group, meeting, or ministry, please contact your group’s leader or watch for an email or text from the respective Flocknote group about the status of said event. See and join our ministry email lists here!
Typically, our weekend Mass schedule will not be altered due to inclement weather, but we encourage you to exercise caution and use your own judgement if it is safe for you to attend. Church law excuses Catholics from fulfilling the Sunday obligation to attend Mass due to a grave cause, such as unsafe travel due to severe weather conditions. Those who cannot safely attend Mass are encouraged to watch Mass on our Facebook on Sundays at 11:00 a.m., if you cannot attend in person.
If our weekend Mass schedule does need to change due to inclement weather, we will email or text our Weekly Bulletin list. Join it here!
If you are planning to attend an event, group, meeting, or ministry, please contact your group’s leader or watch for an email or text from the respective Flocknote group about the status of said event. See and join our ministry email lists here!