Throughout the school year, volunteers at Holy Cross and Our Lady of Good Counsel parishes lead children in an exploration of the Word of God at an age appropriate level. Join us at the 9:00 am Mass the 11:00 am Mass to participate. 

Children's Liturgy is ideal for children between the ages of 3 and 8 years old. The children are gathered immediately before the scriptures are read and hear the same readings on their level and participate in an activity. They return to the assembly just prior to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. If your child is younger than 3, a parent may accompany them to Children’s Liturgy. We also welcome nursing mamas with their babies, if you need a space to hang out!

What’s the difference between CLOW and Youth Mass? Learn here!

We welcome your child to join us! All of our volunteers are VIRTUS-ceritified. For questions, or to volunteer, contact Beth Mayr at