We will honor the 166-year legacy of St. Mary, Star of the Sea with the following events:
Saturday, Nov. 16, 4pm Mass of Thanksgiving @ St. Mary’s followed by a reception across the street at the St. Ignatius Loyola Academy School building from 5-7pm.
Saturday, Nov. 23, 4pm Solemnity of Christ the King & Final Mass at St. Mary’s
Additional details to follow.
St. Mary's Legacy
The Archdiocese has decided to seat the CCSB parish at Holy Cross, with an additional worship site at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. St. Mary’s, Star of the Sea is to be closed. The St. Mary's Legacy Preservation Team, a committee of parishioners from across our three campuses, has been meeting regularly over the past several months to chronicle the memory of St. Mary's Church and Parish. We invite parishioners and community members past and present to join in this important task.
Here are two opportunities to share your memories of St. Mary's:
Memorial Wall for Sharing
Posts & Pictures
Share any comments and post any pictures you may have of the church building, its history and your family worshipping inside or walking outside. Posts and pictures from the virtual Memorial Wall will also be selected to create a slide show for our Legacy Reception on Saturday November 16th. Our thanks to the Doda family and Charles L. Stevens Funeral Home for providing the database for memorializing and sharing.
SHARE: St. Mary's Memorial Wall-share stories and pictures
One-on-One Interviews for Memory Sharing
Share any thoughts, warm memories or even funny stories from your and your family’s memories of St. Mary’s. Become part of a future “Stella Maris Memories” audio/podcast. You can sign up for a 10-minute casual conversation and informal interview.
The interview dates have passed, but if you are interested in sharing your story, feel free to contact Deacon Steve at steven.sarnecki@archbalt.org.
South Baltimore Now! Podcast: The Legacy of St. Mary, Star of the Sea
On this episode of the South Baltimore Now! podcast, Nate Carper interviews Father Kevin Ewing and Deacon Steve Sarnacki of the Catholic Community of South Baltimore to learn about the St. Mary’s Star of the Sea church before it closes in November.