Migration to this new means of stewardship will help you (and us) in many ways:

  • The new platform – Flocknote Giving – should look familiar to you from parish communications (emails, texts), and is very user-friendly

  • Flocknote’s processing fees are less than our current platform (saving you fees and saving us monthly subscription fees!)

    • As a note - if you set up a gift from your bank account, the fees are significantly less. You can also change your method of payment at any time.

  • You will have easy control of your donations; once you enter your payment info, it is retained in the secure system so you can:

    • Easily set up recurring donations so CCSB has reliable income over the hard summer vacation months

    • Give to the Second Collection or Poor Box during Mass with an easy click of a button

    • Text to Give for special events like next week's Bingo & BBQ, Camp Good Counsel Jamboree, Donut Sunday, and more

    • Make Religious Ed, Wedding, or Hall Rental payments

  • Review your donations & payments all in one place (on the Manage My Giving page)

We encourage you to SIGN UP FOR A RECURRING OFFERTORY GIFT! If you set up a new recurring gift (or switch from another method to Flocknote Giving for a recurring gift) by Sunday, 8/11, you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card to the SoBo restaurant of your choice.

If you already give by EFT, credit card, BillPay, or ACH, we hope you will consider migrating to Flocknote Giving. If so, please sign up for Flocknote Giving at the navy blue button below, then contact Jennifer Smolen to cancel your old method of giving at or 410-752-8498 ext 1120.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Will I still be able to give my check, cash, Venmo, EFT, or credit card as I already am? Yes, that is still possible, though we do hope you'll consider setting up a recurring donation in Flocknote. It will help streamline many processes for our staff and increase our ministry offerings in South Baltimore.

  2. What if I'm already giving another way and want to switch? Click the blue button above and complete the transaction to give monthly, etc. Once you have completed that transaction, email and Jenny will cancel your other method of giving (EFT, credit card recurrence, etc) immediately. 

  3. How do I know my information is secure? Flocknote offers secure payment processing. Learn more at

  4. What if I want to give to other funds (Poor Box, Camp Good Counsel Jamboree, etc.)? You can give directly to those funds on the Manage My Giving page (see light blue button below) and click Make a Gift.

  5. How can I share this information with a friend or relative who didn't get this email? The easiest way is to copy this link: 

  6. What if I need more help? Feel free to email or, or call 410-752-8498 x1120 (Mon-Thurs 9am to 3pm) - Jenny and Beth are happy to talk you through steps or answer additional questions.

As you are able and willing to contribute financially, you my do so via:

  • Credit card or EFT (see button above), either one time or regularly scheduled

  • Via Venmo @CCSB9

  • By check, payable to CCSB, mailed to 110 E. West St., Baltimore, MD 21230 or by placing in collection baskets.

  • Setting up the parish as a “bill” to be paid automatically by your checking account

  • Collections in the basket and/or Poor Box at Mass (contact Deb Airey at 410-752-8498 x1100 for envelopes)

  • Gifts from trusts, wills or estate (please call Jenny Smolen at 410-752-8498 x1120 for more info)

Other payments: for those making contributions for Facility Use or for Weddings, see those pages respectively.

Our Federal EIN is 52-0591476.


Endowment Fund

The Catholic Community of South Baltimore Endowment Funds were started in July 2009 to ensure that ministries and pastoral care are consistently funded in South Baltimore. Since then, the funds have grown to be worth over $795,000. Please consider making a donation by contacting Jennifer Smolen or by calling 410-752-8498.


Many local employers offer matching gifts; please contact your Human Resources office to inquire. If your employer does not support religious entities, we do have a Tuition Assistance Program and many community based programs, for which our facilities are used throughout the week to support, including: Narcotics Anonymous, Neighborhood Association Meetings, Quilting Circle and two schools. Ask your HR department to search their databases for our Fed ID number: 52-0591476.

Volunteer your time

Volunteer opportunities at CCSB are multi–fold. Maybe you just moved in and want to get involved, or your schedule allows for a few hours here and there. If you are interested, please contact the office for opportunities or interest in the areas below or others:

  • ADVOCATE for the poor using Catholic Advocacy Network (CAN) online tools from the Maryland Catholic Conference.

  • ALTAR SERVERS are needed at weekend liturgies; all ages welcome.

  • CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD occurs on Sundays during the 9:00 am Mass at Holy Cross and the 11:00 am Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel.

  • EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS assist with the distribution of Holy Communion  during Mass on a rotating schedule; training available if desired.

  • GREETERS distribute the songbooks at the beginning of Mass and the bulletin as people depart—with a smile!

  • LECTORS proclaim the Word of God during Mass on a schedule that fits your needs. A strong voice and ability to communicate is always helpful; training and workbooks available to help you prepare.

  • MUSIC MINISTRY is vibrant and present at every Mass! Click here to learn more.

  • VISITING THE HOMEBOUND TEAM brings the Eucharist to those who cannot attend Mass, or simply visit those who are homebound or in the hospital.

  • USHERS welcome people to the Liturgy, facilitate the collection and communion processions, and take attendance at each mass.

  • VAN DRIVERS: The parish’s van picks up parishioners each Saturday (4:00 pm Mass at St. Mary) and Sunday (9:00am Mass at Holy Cross). Parishioners who need a ride are asked to call the parish office by Thursday.