Lend your time or your talents to ministries at CCSB

Our volunteer ministries help serve in our liturgies, our events, and in the care and keeping of our parish and those within it. If you are willing to volunteer your time during mass or within our Helping Hands groups, please read below to see the many opportunities to serve!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Colossians 3:23, 24


The celebration of Mass requires the help of the whole parish, not only in presence and participation, but also in greeting, leading, and serving before, during, and after we worship. Training is available for each of these roles. Participating in the Sunday Mass is an extremely rewarding experience, a way of consciously deepening your worship. Looking to get involved?

Some ways to help:

Greeter - Often the first person you meet walking in the door to our parish churches is a volunteer greeter. This person is responsible for handing out hymnals and for being a welcoming presence to those coming to join us. To join our greeter ministry email Sue Lear at sue.lear@archbalt.org.

Lector - Proclaiming the Word of God is a solemn responsibility entrusted to the people of God. By speaking clearly the Old Testament message prefiguring the coming of our Lord and the New Testament writings reflecting on Christ's life, death, and resurrection, this person makes present the history of God's relationship with His people. To join our lector ministry email Sue Lear at sue.lear@archbalt.org.

Music Ministry – Music is so deeply woven into the fabric of our lives, and should be a prominent facet of our spiritual lives both within the walls of our churches and throughout our daily activities! If you are interested in helping us build a strong, congregational-led music ministry please volunteer your time and energy! We welcome vocalists or instrumentalists of any age, skill level, and availability. In addition, if you are interested in supporting our music ministry, but do not play an instrument or sing, we may have opportunities throughout the year for you to support music events and activities in other ways. Please voice your interest here, or email ashley.powers@archbalt.org. We look forward to being a part of this ministry with you!

Eucharistic Minister - As ministers of the Eucharist, lay faithful are able to participate intimately in the celebration of Mass, by presenting the body and blood of Christ during the Eucharistic procession. To join our eucharistic minister ministry email Sue Lear at sue.lear@archbalt.org.

Server - Girls, boys, women, and men all have the opportunity to assist the celebrant during the Mass. Altar servers help prepare the altar for Mass, process in with our priest and deacons, and assist during prayers and consecration. To join our server ministry email Sue Lear at sue.lear@archbalt.org.

Usher - Continuing to help people feel welcome, ushers help people requiring assistance find their seats, assist with the collection, and present the gifts to the presider. To join our usher ministry email Sue Lear at sue.lear@archbalt.org.


Our Helping Hands ministries help with various hands-on tasks here at CCSB! There are opportunities to assist in many ways - from setting up at Oktoberfest to keeping our worship spaces beautiful. If you are interested please use the links below to sign up for these ministry email lists!

Our St. Joseph Ministry will follow in the footsteps of St. Joseph the Worker and assist with any large hands-on tasks that require heavy lifting, moving, or other more strenuous activity. This will include helping with our large parish events like Oktoberfest and Taste of Spring! Join here!

Our Snow Patrol will be available in inclement weather and will receive a message about making sure our campus and sidewalks are safe and free of snow and ice. Join here!

Our Martha Ministry is a weekly ministry which will care for the tidiness of our worship spaces. This will include tidying hymnals, making sure the pews and pew backs are free of old bulletins or other papers, neatening up pew art or envelopes, light sweeping, and weekly watering and maintaining of Easter lilies or Christmas poinsettias. Join here!

Our Altar Guild is a ministry of caring for our liturgical settings. This ministry will meet seasonally to set the worship space for each liturgical season and calendar season. This will include creating prayerful and artful decoration of our altars and worship spaces for Christmas and Easter as well as changing the altar flowers for calendar seasons. Within the Altar Guild includes our committee to care for our altar linens. Join here!

Our Green Team cares for our community garden as well any other care for the greenery and plants on our campuses during the growing seasons, plus organizes neighborhood cleanups and other service/eco-friendly projects. Join here!