YOU'RE INVITED to the annual Federal Hill Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19, 2025 at 10am!
Now organized by Catholic Community of South Baltimore, we are excited to continue this longstanding neighborhood tradition. Expect a morning with hunting for Easter eggs, meeting the Easter bunny, games and crafts, and more!
To participate:
Option 1: donate $1 and a dozen filled plastic eggs (nut-free) to:
Vestibule of Holy Cross (108 E West St) weekend of April 5/6 before or after Mass [4pm Sat, 9am Sun, 5pm Sun]
Vestibule of Good Counsel (1532 E Fort Ave) April 6 before/after 11am Mass
Outdoor Mass in Latrobe Park on Sunday April 13 at 11am
the CCSB office (110 E West St) Mon-Thurs 9am to 3pm by April 14
Option 2: Venmo @CCSB9 $8 per child by April 14 - memo "Easter Egg Hunt" and we'll fill the eggs for you
Have questions?! Email See you on April 19 at 10am SHARP (the eggs go very quickly!!)!